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Mole Grips 18-18
Model: VAS5430/1
$91.88 *

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esp. for body works crimping to the fold at right angles, gripping power works in axial direction.
When fitting motorcar parts the adjustment of doors, tailgates and engine hoods can be completed without removing pliers. Has quick release lever. Tool is especially applicable for curves due to slim design.For door entry widths, rear-parts, wheel arches, problematical areas, etc.

Tool Requirements

Tool Number VAS5430/1
Availability Available
Superseded To
Tool Class Special Tools
VW US Requirement Optional
VW US Auto Ship Number
AUDI US Requirement Optional
AUDI US Auto Ship Number
VW Canada Requirement Optional
AUDI Canada Requirement Optional
VW MRT Quantity 1
AUDI MRT Quantity 1

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