The cleaning set VAS 6811 serves to clean the injector slots in the cylinder head of diesel engines.
The process is described in the respective workshop manuals.
Items supplied: Cleaning set VAS 6811
in plastic case with hard foam insert for all items, including operating instructions.
Qty. 2 x VAS 6811/1 bars, length 210mm, M6x15mm
Qty. 1 x VAS 6811/2 screw-in tool, inc. 1 x CR (common rail) bung + UI (unit injector) bung respectively
Qty. 7 x VAS 6811/3 CR bungs
Qty. 7 x VAS 6811/4 UI bungs
Qty. 1 x VAS 6811/5 blow-out funnel, 90mm, CR
Qty. 1 x VAS 6811/6 blow-out funnel, 90mm UI
Qty. 2 x VAS 6811/7 end brushes 20x15mm, M6x15mm, inc. brass sleeve
Qty. 2 x VAS 6811/8 pipe brushes 20x100mm, M6x10mm
Qty. 9 x VAS 6811/9 CR felt burnisher, 60mm, M6x20mm
Qty. 9 x VAS 6811/10 UI felt burnisher, 60mm, M6x20mm
Qty. 1 x VAS 6811/11 protective goggles
Qty. 10 x VAS 6811/12 CR O-rings 5x1,6mm
Qty. 10 x VAS 6811/13 UI O-rings 5x1,75mm
Replacement parts:
CR bung
VAS 6811/3 ASE 404 036 00 000
UI bung
VAS 6811/4 ASE 404 037 00 000
End brush
VAS 6811/7 ASE 404 038 00 000
Pipe brush
VAS 6811/8 ASE 404 039 00 000
CR felt burnisher
VAS 6811/9 ASE 404 040 00 000
UI felt burnisher
VAS 6811/10 ASE 404 041 00 000
CR O-ring
VAS 6811/12 ASE 404 042 00 000
UI O-ring
VAS 6811/13 ASE 404 043 00 000
24 months
Wenzel GmbH
ASE 404 035 00 000
Tool Requirements
Tool Number |
Availability |
Superseded To |
Tool Class |
Special Tools
VW US Requirement |
VW US Auto Ship Number |
AUDI US Requirement |
AUDI US Auto Ship Number |
AUDI US Auto Ship Date |
VW Canada Requirement |
AUDI Canada Requirement |
VW MRT Quantity |
AUDI MRT Quantity |