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Cleaning Set
Model: VAS6811
$467.17 *

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The cleaning set VAS 6811 serves to clean the injector slots in the cylinder head of diesel engines.
The process is described in the respective workshop manuals.

Items supplied:
Cleaning set VAS 6811
in plastic case with hard foam insert for all items, including operating instructions.
Qty. 2 x VAS 6811/1 bars, length 210mm, M6x15mm
Qty. 1 x VAS 6811/2 screw-in tool, inc. 1 x CR (common rail) bung + UI (unit injector) bung respectively
Qty. 7 x VAS 6811/3 CR bungs
Qty. 7 x VAS 6811/4 UI bungs
Qty. 1 x VAS 6811/5 blow-out funnel, 90mm, CR
Qty. 1 x VAS 6811/6 blow-out funnel, 90mm UI
Qty. 2 x VAS 6811/7 end brushes 20x15mm, M6x15mm, inc. brass sleeve
Qty. 2 x VAS 6811/8 pipe brushes 20x100mm, M6x10mm
Qty. 9 x VAS 6811/9 CR felt burnisher, 60mm, M6x20mm
Qty. 9 x VAS 6811/10 UI felt burnisher, 60mm, M6x20mm
Qty. 1 x VAS 6811/11 protective goggles
Qty. 10 x VAS 6811/12 CR O-rings 5x1,6mm
Qty. 10 x VAS 6811/13 UI O-rings 5x1,75mm

Replacement parts:
CR bung
VAS 6811/3 ASE 404 036 00 000

UI bung
VAS 6811/4 ASE 404 037 00 000

End brush
VAS 6811/7 ASE 404 038 00 000

Pipe brush
VAS 6811/8 ASE 404 039 00 000

CR felt burnisher
VAS 6811/9 ASE 404 040 00 000

UI felt burnisher
VAS 6811/10 ASE 404 041 00 000

CR O-ring
VAS 6811/12 ASE 404 042 00 000

UI O-ring
VAS 6811/13 ASE 404 043 00 000

24 months

Wenzel GmbH

ASE 404 035 00 000


Tool Requirements

Tool Number VAS6811
Availability Available
Superseded To
Tool Class Special Tools
VW US Requirement Optional
VW US Auto Ship Number
AUDI US Requirement Minimum
AUDI US Auto Ship Number 355
AUDI US Auto Ship Date 12/04/2013
VW Canada Requirement Optional
AUDI Canada Requirement Minimum
VW MRT Quantity 1
AUDI MRT Quantity 1

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