With the tool set for brake bleeding VAS 6564, rear wheel brakes can be bled using the brake filling and bleeding device without fitting the rear wheels.
With the use of different sockets, removal/installation of the rear wheels on all passenger vehicles becomes unnecessary.
The supplied bleed hose is guided by the relevant socket and attached to the bleed nipple. The bleed screw can be opened and closed safely to bleed the system.
Items supplied:
Plastic case with the following contents:
1 ratchet ring socket (AF 17) VAS 6564/1
1 tool holder VAS 6564/2
1 socket 12mm VAS 6564/3
1 socket 39mm VAS 6564/4
1 socket 60mm VAS 6564/5
1 socket 70mm VAS 6564/6
1 socket 85mm VAS 6564/7
1 socket 45mm VAS 6564/8
1 PVC hose 2m
24 months
ASE 411 336 00 000